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How to have your WordPress Website up and running in 5 easy steps

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WordPress is a lightweight PHP script and powers more than 30% of Websites worldwide. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that gives a great way to create websites without any programming skill but just a drag and drop. From a simple blog to a huge E commerce website, WordPress still among the most used scripts.

What do you need for your WordPress Website?

Here is a brief summary of the steps to take to get your WordPress website up and running:

  1. Choose a domain name
  2. Choose a Hosting Plan
  3. Install WordPress on your domain
  4. Choose a WordPress Theme
  5. Customize your WordPress Website

Choose a domain Name

A domain name is how your website will appear online. It is basically what users type into their browser to get to your website. You might be tempted to choose something too fancy but remember, a domain needs to represent your brand and be easy for people to find you.

Besides, for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes, it is always advisable to include keywords that you might want to use for your WordPress Website based on the industry you are in.

Choosing your domain name before your website is up and running is one of the most important parts as this is how your audience will find you and identify with your brand.


  • lotzatravel.com, where travel is a keyword and the names are easy to remember
  • yatutravelandtours.com, with travel and tours as keywords
  • azpconsult.pro, where consult is the keyword and serves for consulting business

Once you agree and get one domain that suit your brand, it is time to buy it and have it hosted somewhere.

Choose a Hosting plan

Hosting means simply a place where all your website files and folders will be kept secure and for the world to see you site.

Hosting companies offer many plans but based on what your website will be, it is good to have a hosting plan that gives you space, supports latest PHP and database such as MYSQL or MariaDB. See more on how to choose hosting HERE. Also, choose a hosting plan that gives SSL (Secure Socket Layer), which is a security when it comes to online transaction and website trust.

Any server that supports PHP and MYSQL can be used but WordPress recommend Apache or Nginx as they stand as some of the most robust and featureful server for running WordPress

Install WordPress

Some Hosting companies that give great experience to users by providing support for WordPress and a 1-click install feature are (The list is not exhaustive):

Choose a WordPress Theme

A theme is the main component that will make the look of your website and will help you customize without any programming knowledge.

There are plenty of theme. Some are free and you can download them on the WordPress Repository and others are for sale on platforms such as Themeforest. Theme can be found also on the WordPress Dashboard (go to Appearance -> Themes)

Some hosting companies offer also free WordPress Themes.

Customize your WordPress Website

Once you have your theme then you can follow documentation to make your website look just as you want.

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